Talk: 10 Things All WordPress Plugin Developers Should Avoid

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An incredible talk by David Artiss

📽️: View the Slides
▶️: Video of the talk (coming soon)

📣 Social mentions

It was fun and informative. Easy to understand. I really liked it

Samuel Mente

The following are the things discussed during the talk, plus the additional items. There were additional suggestions from the audience which will be added once the video is available.

Once I publish a post on any of the subjects (one is due to written, over the coming months, for each), then a link will be added below. Alternatively, follow the WCEU2023 tag feed.

  1. Aggressive Promotion
  2. Inconsistent and confusing menus
  3. Don’t take over the user process
  4. Avoid creating your own UI
  5. Lack of data validation
  6. Loading unnecessary content
  7. Leaving content behind
  8. Forgetting Accessibility Standards
  9. Ignoring code quality checking
  10. Flooding users with too many updates
  11. Deactivation surveys. Just don’t.
  12. Over-use of !important in CSS
  13. Pushing forum support off of .org
  14. Ignoring the WordPress APIs
  15. Not providing hooks or filters in your code 
  16. Creating new database tables
  17. Abandoning your plugin (or, if you have to, how to do it properly)

tl;dr – “Enemy of the (business) people